Does your brand need some advertising but does not have the funds to do it?  One fantastic way to spread the word about your brand is through a Brand Ambassador Program.  This is nothing but a positive and fun way to take the next step with your brand.  The word-of-mouth marketing method can be more effective than paying for advertisements and in the long run, cost effective.  An effective program can help guide your brand to a new level of engagement.

Increase brand awareness
An ambassador program can consist of as little as three people or hundreds.  The point of a program is building a community that wants to increase your brand awareness.  These ambassadors will spread the word to their network who will continue spreading it.  Even if they are only creating buzz about your brand through social media, your brand is getting exposure which always creates a positive turn out.

Customers of your Brand
If you have a community of customers that became that way on their own, you do not have to spend the time educating them.  They have first hand exposure of your brand by being a customer and know what they love about it.  If you find those customers that are “super fans” and find a way to compensate them (not necessarily through money!), they will be the best advocates.  The key to a successful program is making sure the ambassadors feel exclusive.  In return, they will feel apart of your mission and care about your brand.

Trust the Messenger
People trust personal recommendations more than advertising.  Potentials followers will pay more attention to their friends than an advertisement online that they can tune out. The ambassadors can share with their entire circle of social media friends. If you trust your ambassadors and allow them to communicate in a way that feels natural to their followers you will have positive results.  This will also start a viral conversation about your brand through trusted sources.  Would you rather ask for information about a brand through their website or an actual source?

Direct Contact
Brand ambassadors are also a great way to figure out what is working and what is not working through direct contact.  If you choose the right “super fans” they will want to help improve your brand.  The ambassadors are the ones that have conversations with potential customers.  They may figure out a technique that is attracting customers or pushing them away just through direct contact.  Without the two-way conversations between the advocates and potential followers you may be missing out on opportunities to improve your brand.

Keep in touch with the Branding Muse to see the launch of our Brand Ambassador Program that is coming soon!

About the author
Katie Quinn is the former Community Managment intern for The Branding Muse.  Currently pursuing a degree in Strategic Communications, she hopes to continue this field of work for an agency in NYC when she graduates.  You can check out more tips from Katie as an intern by following #bmsocial on Twitter or follow her: @ktaquinn

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